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Amanda Sears

Channeled Message by The Grace of God 22.11.24

Do not fixate on a specific thing to do or something you think you should or should not be doing based on old ideas or what other's think. Your life is in such a rapid state of flux, that thoughts and ideas you have today will be different tomorrow. Eg. carnivore today and vegan tomorrow or vice versa.

The ideas you have now are a mixture of some remnants of old ones being stripped away while you download, integrate and create new ones.

What you want today may not be what you want tomorrow - in ALL areas of your life, so don't get too attached to ANYTHING.

As a child you grew rapidly and your tastes changed as frequently as you did - now is a similar time. Eg. Love cheese today, dislike it tomorrow.

The key is to be fluid and allow all to leave you that is falling away, WHILE being open (without expectation or judgement) to all that is coming to you and unfolding in divine and right timing.

This is it. The dawn of a new age. The end of an era. The end of times and the beginning of the new world. You are here for it and it is here for you and because of you.

The time is now, but also the unraveling of the now takes time - albeit not as much as it used to, but still some. So have patience and enjoy the ride... relax, sit back and let God take the wheel.

Things are going to get so much brighter and more vibrant than you could've ever imagined!

Choose where you focus your energy and attention and keep following your bliss by doing the things that make you happy and bring you joy while listening to your intuition.

Follow the breadcrumbs that taste the best, so to speak, or, do what FEELS the best.

The senses of our body were designed to be a guidance system for navigating the physical world but we have lived in such heavy and constricting density for so long, our senses have been turned down and our ability to rely on them given over to powers outside of ourselves - BUT as we take our power back our senses are also getting switched back on and turned back up slowly (for those experiencing sensory enhancement symptoms).

Truly we have everything we need for a rich, abundant and joyful life here on Earth. It is already all those things and more here, now. If you aren't seeing it in your daily life then you need to check what you are connected into and unplug from anything that doesn't reflect Heaven on Earth - because anything that is not Heaven on Earth is Hell, and Hell is an illusion - an old game we played with ourselves to drive our desire to create Heaven.

Every choice we make moves us towards the future we want and the future we are creating with each choice, so make your choices mindfully.

There is no longer any room for fear or doubt - they do not belong here anymore and you can't take them with you where you are going... and why would you want to anyway?

Rest in the peace of knowing that everything is perfect and you know in your heart the next steps to take - you just need to tune in.

So yes, meditate or find the stillness within however this looks for you as much as you can to enhance this connection, keep your vibe high and tune into your heart's guidance.

We have come in love FOR you, BECAUSE of you and are always with you - you only need to ask and you will be answered, so practice tuning in ;)

In love and honour of you, The Grace of God.

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